Monday, August 20, 2007

Another picture

I had trouble with the first post on putting more pictures but i figured it out with this one.. isnt he cute? he is holding a fish at seaworld in one of these pics!


These are a couple pictures of Boyd and I. He was here all week then I went to Utah for the weekend. We had soooo much fun and things are progressing nicely!! I met his family and i like them and hopefully they like me. He may or may not be comeing down for labor day but i will for sure see him on the weekend of the 7th.. Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Beach Trip

Ellie has had quite the summer. She has been to Utah, San Diego (many times), Palm Springs, and now she has been to the beach. It was her first trip to the beach and while she hated the water she loved the sand. Here are a few pictures of her enjoying the day. Jim buried her in the sand up to her waist and she loved that. She didn't even mind when her pacifier got dirty...she just kept sucking it. I was hoping she could suck hard enough and turn it into a pearl.

Friday, August 10, 2007

First Day of Dance

Darcy had so much fun Wednesday morning. This is her combo class. They do ballet, jazz and tap. I had to take pictures through a tinted glass window so they didn't turn out so well. She says her favorite thing to do was the hokey pokey, and wearing butterfly wings. Her teacher had each little girl stand on their own orange dot on the floor. She told them not to leave their little dot. Darcy was so concerned about having her feet planted on that dot. She kept glancing down at her feet adjusting back to her dot. The cutest thing was watching the little girls learn first position. Their little bums sticking out and their hands turned out. Soooooo Cute! Annie

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Here are some pictures of our new dog Daisy! Isn't she cute?! We picked her up last Tuesday. The last few days, we have spent time learning to feed her, take her to the bathroom, and all that fun stuff. She is seven weeks old and is so tiny! :) She is a Maltese/Shitzu mix and will stay pretty small. She has a fun personality, but isn't too loud. And, she loves to cuddle!

Love and miss you all,


Here are some pictures we took of Brisbane City across the canal. We took these pictures across the street from the Temple. It is a breathtaking view of Brisbane and one of the surrounding bridges and canals. It was around 4 p.m. on Saturday when these were taken. We loved climbing down the stairs to the pier. And, a really nice couple took a picture of the three of us! We hope you enjoy the pictures of Australia...finally some of Australia (just for you Jodi)!
We love you,
Kris and the rest of the Australian Pace Clan



Steven left early this morning for class at the University. He has lab all day today and a class late this evening. So, he will be gone all day and not home until after 8 p.m.

I took Cory to school this morning and set off to visit my friend Constance, who lives about a 20-minute drive from us. I had directions, written down from Steven. I love my man, yes I do...but, as I was driving I realized he didn't write any street names down or freeways. I had to change freeways twice, etc. hour and a half late, I showed up at my friend's house! I got SO lost, it was scary! I was crying because I had NO IDEA where I was and how to get to Contance's house...or even my home!

I put myself together (as much as I could), got out our Refidex (a map) and looked for the closest street. Long story short...I found my to Constance's house all by myself after getting lost in the city!

Then, after laughing with Constance over this, we decided we should try to drive into the city to go to a "Tea Room" which serves herbal tea and little sandwiches and morning and afternoon tea. And guess what? We did it! We were so excited! I drove and she gave me directions and neither of us had been there...or driven in the city by ourselves!

I must say...I am proud of myself! I did, however, get lost on my way home to pick Cory up and called Steven crying again, but I eventually found my way home! Funny, hmm??!!

Anyway, it was a great adventure and lots of fun to see more of the city. I definitely feel more comfortable driving could I not??!!

I do still love my husband, by the way...I just asked that he give street names instead of turn left at the second light, etc. next time!! :) He was laughing, however, and said it was a "good learning experience for me". :)



These are some pictures of the Brisbane Temple. We drove to Kangaroo Point, where the Temple is located, yesterday. It is on a very small plot of land, but it overlooks the canal and the city. A beautiful view. I hope you enjoy the pictures. We love you all!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Harvesting grapes in the family vineyard. --Dad