Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Hi Dad! I just wanted to say happy father's day and with you in another country I do not know how to get a hold of you. I thought the blog would be the best place. :-)
In church today we were talking about memories of our dad's and I had one come to mind. I was 8 years old and we were visiting grandma and grandpa pace for a family reuinion. The family decided to hike Timpanogas and so everyone 12 or older were going on the hike. I really wanted to go so I begged you and you let me go. You stayed with me the entire hike and we made it to the top. I was so excited that you let me go and for some reason on that hike up Timp I was not scared of heights like I was the next time. Ofcourse the next trip up the mountain involved a lot more thunder and lightening so that might have had something to do with it.
Well, I just wanted to say that I love you and that you are a great dad. Happy Father's Day.
Love, Kim

1 comment:

diane said...

Good memories.........Happy times! Although that stormy time up Timpanogos was way more dangerous than I thought it would be!